God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT
Here’s a list that has been compiled as a starting point for those who want to serve but may not know or understand how God might use them for His service.
•Bake Sale for Missions (Water Wells for Africa, Show Hope, Compassion International, Samaritan’s Purse, etc.)
•Make Treats for Community Helpers to Show we care: Janitors, Bus Drivers, Police, Fire, EMT, Highway Department
•Women’s Workshops - (Canning Jam or Jelly, Flower Arrangements, Canvas Painting, etc.) What talents/skills can we share with others? Include teens and young adults. Use as a time of fellowship and relationship building. Use as a time to teach the younger generations.
•Men’s Workshops – (Mechanics, Welding, Carpentry, etc.) What talents/skills can we share with others? Include teens and young adults. Use as a time of fellowship and relationship building. Use as a time to teach the younger generations.
•Childcare for parents to have date night or a day out
•Couples or Men and Women - Coffee, Cake, and Comedy Night
•Partnering with School Counselors (Jenny Horsefield) in mentoring kids or other ways we can make a difference for kids in our community
•Building Projects (Using your skills in building projects - indoor/outdoor)
•Fellowship Dinners (with our church family and/or maybe other church families)
•Helping out by updating our Social Media platforms
•Care Groups/Care Ministry – (so many ways to serve in this)
•Graphic Design for church’s use
•Supporting the Cuba Food Pantry and Foster Closet
•Collecting change for a cause
•Cleaning up areas (Trash pick-up, Weeding, Planting, Cleaning) in our community starting with here at church
•Putting together visitor gift bags
•Offering to teach a skill to teen/young adult boys OR girls
•Offering to share your love of a hobby (biking, knitting, cooking, gardening, etc.)
•Offering to host a Family Night at church, your home, or another location
•Helping provide transportation for those who can’t drive
•Mentoring young church members, couples, or families
•Teaching Sunday School or Vacation Bible School
•Mailing cards to others (Sympathy, Get Well, Congratulations, Encouragement, etc)
•Offering to make meals for church events
•Helping paint and decorate our church to keep it welcoming
•Helping to keep Resource Center updated and fresh
•Give financially
•Decorating for seasons
•Offering to supply or arrange altar flowers
•Act in skits (Book of Acts drama team)
•Coordinate a service project
Pray over how God might use you. He gives you spiritual gifts and puts a passion in your heart. Explore how you might put these together in service for Him.